Rivals 2 Frame Data & Hitbox Visualizer | Master Your Gameplay


Rivals 2 full body character portrait

The Earth's Bastion

A defender of the colossal Aetherian Forest. Deliberate and loyal, he is one of the infamous Wall Runners who patrol the Rock Wall. From their position atop the Wall, Kragg and his fellow Runners defend both sides of the rock face and the forest below.

attack image
Startup Window: 5
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 2
Recovery: 16
Damage: 4%
Shield Stun: 5
attack image
Startup Window: 5
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 2
Recovery: 13
Damage: 8%
Shield Stun: 5
attack image
Startup Window: 5
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 3
Recovery: 26
Damage: 6%
Shield Stun: 9
attack image
Startup Window: 7
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 2(4)
Recovery: 21
Damage: 2(10)%
Shield Stun: 7,9
attack image
Startup Window: 11
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 3
Recovery: 18
Damage: 7%
Shield Stun: 8
attack image
Startup Window: 5
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 3
Recovery: 15
Damage: 7%
Shield Stun: 7
attack image
Startup Window: 12+12(24)
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 5
Recovery: 29
Damage: 18%
Shield Stun: 11
attack image
Startup Window: 8+8(16)
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 5
Recovery: 30
Damage: 16%
Shield Stun: 10
attack image
Startup Window: 4+8(12)
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 6
Recovery: 30
Damage: 10%
Shield Stun: 9
attack image
Startup Window: 6+9+20(35)
First Active Frame:
Active Frames:
Recovery: 7
Shield Stun: -
attack image
Startup Window: 6+9(15)
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 2
Recovery: 28(Hit: 16)
Shield Stun: -
attack image
Startup Window: 6
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: -
Recovery: 12
Damage: 8(Thrown Player: 4)
Shield Stun: 7
attack image
Startup Window: 13 + Summon: 12(25)
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: height dependant
Recovery: 25(Landing: 22)
Damage: 7
Shield Stun: 5
attack image
Startup Window: 19 + Summon: 3(21)
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: -
Recovery: 23
Damage: 2,4,10
Shield Stun: 3,3,5
attack image
Startup Window: 19
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 3
Recovery: 13
Damage: 14
Shield Stun: 7
attack image
Startup Window: 14
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 73
Recovery: 32
Damage: 4
Shield Stun: 7
attack image
Startup Window: -
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: -
Recovery: 15(Landing:22)
Damage: 4
Shield Stun: -
attack image
Startup Window: 6
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 2,2,2,3,
Recovery: 12(Landing: 10)
Damage: 4,4,4,8
Shield Stun: 7
attack image
Startup Window: 12
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 3
Recovery: 25(Landing: 15)
Damage: 8(11)
Shield Stun: 8
attack image
Startup Window: 13
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 3
Recovery: 20(Landing: 9)
Damage: 11
Shield Stun: 8
attack image
Startup Window: 11
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 6
Recovery: 20(Landing: 11)
Damage: 9(11)
Shield Stun: 8
attack image
Startup Window: 7
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 8
Recovery: 14(Landing: 9)
Damage: 9
Shield Stun: 8
attack image
Startup Window: 6
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 2
Recovery: 23
Damage: -
attack image
Startup Window: 9
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 2
Recovery: 27
Damage: -
attack image
Startup Window: 9
First Active Frame:
Active Frames: 2
Recovery: 30
Damage: -

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Not affiliated with Aether Studios.