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Developer Deep Dive #1

Rivals fans, here we are once again to take a look at some more news straight from the developers over at Aether Studios for their upcoming title Rivals of Aether II!

As we all know later this month (October 23), over the course of the next couple of weeks the developers plan on showcasing in a 3 part series just exactly what we can expect at launch.

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Rivals of Aether II Deep Dive

Rivals of Aether II Deep Dive #1
Rivals of Aether II Developer Deep Dive 10/02/2024

Part 1 of 3
This episode Dan Fornace (the lead developer/owner) sheds some light on what we can expect for launch:

This will feature:

  • Server-based Rollback-Netcode!
  • 1v1
  • 2v2
  • 2v2 with a friend
  • 1v1v1v1 Free-for-All

The mode for for local offline play. The standard you expect will be here:
vs CPU, 1v1, 2v2, ffa, etc. You can set the timer, stock, count, pick characters and stages, all well and good.
This will also include a "Tournament Mode". This selectable preset will include the competitive rules you would find from Locals to Super Majors. 3-stocks, with stake-striking, and Rock Paper, Scissors to determine who gets to strike first. Great addition if you want to prep for an upcoming event or want to get a bit more serious with your buddies.

Here you can practice vs CPU or a human opponent without worrying about winning or losing. The are settings for how the CPU will try to escape a combo, how much starting damage they have and what actions they will take when getting hit, and save/load states so you can really grind out specific situations. You can also swap out the stage layout very quickly without needing to sit through loading screen (such a great feature)

This is the first they've shown off anything about this mode. And it seems like it'll be a pretty fun mode for when you want to get your feet wet vs some CPUs. There will be a few different types of challenges as you progress through the various stages including:

Team Battle
Team Battle
Horde Mode

And not shown was the Boss Battle vs an "Abyss-style" enemy.

Stage and Total Arcade Run Time

Levels and Xp will carry be carried across different modes in the game, unlocking new cosmetics or currency to purchase things from the in-game shop.

Post Match Progression Bar
Level Up Progress on the Character Select Screen

Monthly Events for specific cosmetics announced!

This "seasonal progression bar with rewards that are frequently cosmetic and... well I guess it is kinda like a battle pass, BUT it's better." - Dan Fornace clarified will be completely free, and no way to buy your way through it

In Closing. Dan says 'he's proud of the work he and his team has put into this and what they have created' (paraphrasing). And I have to say that they completely earned it. They plan on updating and improving all of these features, and more, as the game continues to grow.

Watch the Full Video below:


Tune in Next Week for Part 2!

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